
Properties of almonds

Properties of almonds: Almonds, like walnuts and pistachios, are among the delicious nuts that, by the way, have many properties for health.
Almonds are obtained from the fruit of the almond tree. The scientific name of this dry fruit is Prunus dulsis and it is native to the Middle East, India and North Africa. It is also found in areas such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel. The taste of almonds can vary from sweet to bitter and both types are available in stores. This delicious nut also has many healing properties, which we will mention below some of the properties of almonds.
Compared to other nuts, almonds are rich in nutrients and beneficial compounds. Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, protein, fiber, manganese, riboflavin, phosphorus and healthy fats needed by the body. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper and niacin. Almonds are very suitable as a snack because they provide many nutrients and vitamins that the body needs.
Almonds are used in the diet of many people because of their high therapeutic value and good taste. Some properties of almonds are described below.

1. Strengthen brain health

Almonds are rich in nutrients that are important for the development and health of the human brain. Consuming almonds has a lot to do with increasing the level of intelligence, and for this reason, it has been used as a staple food for growing children since ancient times. This dried fruit consists of riboflavin and l-carnitine, which are among the nutrients for the brain. Almonds increase brain activity, play a role in creating new neural pathways, and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Studies show that the use of almonds in the diet, like almond oil, is beneficial for general health and better functioning of the nervous system.
Some mothers give melted almonds to their children every day. Consuming two to three almonds a day is enough. In case of an allergic reaction, you can remove its outer layer, because it does not contain nutrients.

2. Regulation of cholesterol levels

Regular consumption of almonds helps to increase the level of good blood cholesterol (HDL) and is effective in reducing bad blood cholesterol (LDL).

3. Improve bone health

Almonds are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and a lot of phosphorus. Phosphorus has a significant effect on the strength and durability of bones and teeth and prevents age-related diseases such as osteoporosis.

4. Preventing heart diseases

Preventing heart diseases is another health benefit of almonds. The unsaturated fats, protein, and potassium in almonds all help maintain heart health. Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant and reduces the risk of heart disease, while magnesium in almonds can help prevent heart attacks. Some compounds in almonds affect C-reactive protein; These proteins cause dangerous arterial inflammation. Almonds are also a rich source of folic acid. So to reduce the level Homocysteine, which causes fatty plaque in the arteries, helps. In addition, the flavonoid of almond skin combines with vitamin E and prevents damage to the walls of blood vessels. Research shows that the short-term use of almond diet in men between the ages of 20 and 70 improves vascular function.

5. Strengthening the immune system

The human body has many compounds that maintain the overall health of the body and the alkalinity of its environment. Almonds are a rich source of alkaline substances, which are very suitable for increasing the strength of the body's immune system, which increases the ability to eliminate diseases. In addition to the fact that the amount of alkaline substances in almonds is very high, it also has a lot of vitamin E, which is a very strong antioxidant. These nuts also eliminate dangerous free radicals. free radicals,It aggravates chronic diseases in the body and can be dangerous for the body. Antioxidants such as vitamin E found in almonds are effective in treating many diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Research shows that people who get enough vitamin E have a 30-40% lower risk of heart disease than others.

6. skin care

The properties of almonds for skin care are well known. Almond oil is usually used for baby massage. Almond milk is usually used in some soups because of its positive effects on the skin.

7. Reduce inflammation

Many people think that "fat" is completely harmful, but in fact it is not. Some fatty acids are essential and their consumption is necessary for the overall health of the body. The body cannot make these fatty acids and it is necessary to provide them through food sources. Almonds have two types of very important fatty acids, linoleic and linolenic acid. These fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body that many people suffer from. The fatty acid also helps to reduce bad blood cholesterol (LDL) levels and plays a role in skin and hair health. All these things show how useful these nuts are for the body.

8. Blood pressure regulation

Potassium in almonds helps regulate blood pressure and reduce salt levels and control blood pressure fluctuations. Other nutrients in almonds also create the necessary balance for the body, which can prevent many diseases. A balance of vitamins and minerals is essential for a healthy life. But if one of these elements is neglected, it affects the whole body and can cause anemia, stress and increased blood pressure.

9. Increased energy production

The presence of magnesium, copper and riboflavin in almonds helps to produce energy and increase the speed of body metabolism. If you are active during the day, a few of these dried fruits can meet your body's needs; Without worrying about its fat and calories.

10. Prevent cancer

One of the properties of almonds is cancer prevention. Almonds make food pass easily through the digestive tract and as a result prevent colon cancer.

11. Prevent diabetes

Preventing diabetes is another health benefit of almonds. Almonds reduce the sudden rise in glucose and insulin levels after meals. People with diabetes may experience large changes in blood sugar with each meal. These changes are dangerous for the body. Consuming almonds can be effective in preventing dangerous blood sugar changes. Almonds play a role in regulating the glucose absorption process and make the absorption process easier.

12. Almond consumption during pregnancy

Almonds are one of the foods containing folic acid that prevent some birth defects in babies. It also stimulates healthy cell growth and tissue formation. Neural tube defect is a condition in which the neural tube in the fetus is either absent or not formed properly. Doctors prescribe folic acid supplements to women during pregnancy so that the development of the neural tube of the fetus is done properly. Almonds have enough folic acid and can guarantee the health of the mother and fetus.

13. Weight Loss

If you are looking for weight loss, drinking almond milk is very suitable. The unsaturated fatty acid in almonds is effective in reducing appetite and preventing overeating. The dietary fiber in almonds, despite being a small food, makes you feel full. Studies show that a low-calorie diet rich in almonds is very suitable for obese people who want to lose weight.
Research shows that people who eat almonds regularly (at least twice a week) are more likely to stay at their ideal weight. Also, in comparison, people who consume less or never use almonds suffer more from their weight fluctuations. The fiber in almonds helps with bowel movements, reduces weight and detoxifies the body.

14. Prevent constipation

Almonds are rich in fiber and like other fiber foods can prevent constipation. Of course, it is necessary to drink a considerable amount of water after consuming almonds so that the absorption process happens faster. You don't need to eat a lot of almonds daily, eating 4 or 5 almonds is enough to have better digestion and regular bowel movements.
Like other fibers, almonds have contraindications. Almonds contain oxalates. Excess oxalate causes crystals to form and can cause various problems. For example, kidney patients or people with gallbladder problems should not consume almonds.

How many calories are in almonds?

One cup of almonds has 529 calories, but you don't need to eat all of them at once. 25% of this amount per day is enough. As a simpler example, 23 almonds have about 130 calories. Consuming almonds can help increase the level of unsaturated fats in the body and also has wonderful minerals.
The benefits of almonds are not limited to the above. In fact, one of the beauty secrets of Indian women's hair is the use of almond oil. Also, the role and effect of almonds on reducing anxiety has been investigated in researches.

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